Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Rondel for Ash Wednesday

Reposted according to tradition… 

All friends of Christ, hold fast, hold fast;
Fear not these desert days of Lent. 
All grunged-up souls, all people pent 
In pleasure’s prison, bravely cast 
Your senseless sin aside at last: 
Believe the Gospel and repent. 
All friends of Christ, hold fast, hold fast;
Fear not these desert days of Lent.
The thirst and hunger will not last, 
For by God’s Son, who underwent 
The Cross, we know that we are meant 
For Heaven’s home when pain is past — 
All friends of Christ, hold fast, hold fast.
Brancaster Bay, north Norfolk, August 2024


  1. Lent would be a non-event without it at this stage!

    1. A truly penitential experience for long-suffering readers!


Please add your thoughts! All civil comments are warmly welcomed.