Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Queen vs. Marconi Minor (1960) ?

From the Schoolboy’s Science Pocket Book (Evan Brothers, 1960), p.95:
‘Nobody is allowed to operate an amateur transmitting station in Britain without a licence issued by the Postmaster-General.  An applicant has to show that he has the necessary technical knowledge of radio and that he can transmit Morse at 12 words per minute before a licence will be granted.’
I wonder if this law is still in force?  Wouldn’t a modern walkie-talkie set, for instance, or indeed a wireless Internet router, fall under the category of ‘amateur transmitting station’?  To whom would one apply, in any case, given that the office of Postmaster-General has been effectively abolished?  How many people know Morse code at all, let alone fluently?  How many schoolboys, lacking a Science Pocket Book, have come a cropper of this law?

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